When creating a business, you will meet many people. Whether it’s to get information or to start networking, talking about your project will be a daily occurrence. However, you may fear that your idea will be leaked and stolen.
And how to protect the success and sustainability of your project ?
Indeed, you must first make your idea a reality before you can protect it legally.
Here is what you need to know to protect an innovative idea.
When you have an innovative concept, there are many good reasons to protect it :
To keep a competitive advantage and prevent a competitor from marketing a product similar to yours.
To dissuade competitors from infringing your intellectual property rights.
Strengthen your brand image with customers and investors by highlighting the fact that you own the intellectual property.
The innovative nature of your project has a real value for your company, so it’s advisable not to neglect the steps to protect your idea, from the simple concept to its materialization and marketing.
How to protect your idea?
Copyrights :
A copyright is an exclusive right to print, publish, produce, spin or record literary, artistic or musical works.
Any written or recorded work recognized as “original” by applicable federal law is automatically protected as soon as it is written or published.
Patents :
A patent is an exclusive right to a protected invention that prohibits anyone other than you, its brilliant inventor, from making, using, offering or selling it in the marketplace.
Trade secrets and confidentiality clauses :
As the name implies, a trade secret is a formula, machine, process or resources that you use and are not known to anyone else: a secret, therefore, like the one surrounding your recent “rejuvenation.”
Here are the main legal tools that allow you to protect your innovative idea to optimize your company’s growth.
Call BSense to share your innovative idea and have access to a wide range of lawyers to verify the rights applicable to your future creations.
Our team will ensure its success.