Our Partners


Who is Lime Design ?

Lime Design is an extremely passionate team of designers and engineers. Their creative team consists of industrial designers, mechanical & electrical engineers, photorealistic animation rendering specialists and marketing strategists.

Bsense director Guillaume Cheneau had the opportunity to participate in the LimeDesign innovative podcast

During this podcast, relevant questions were discussed about the world of manufacturing, and the challenges of creating innovative product overseas.

During the dialogue, we shared advices on how startup could find the best manufacturing solution between local US and overseas production.

Why Work With Lime Design ?

We work closely with Lime design when local design work is required.

In this stage, they will take what they learned from their research and create digitally sketched concept renderings of your product idea.

Their team of talented industrial designers, mechanical and electrical engineers, and marketing specialists takes great pride in delivering high-quality turn-key solutions.

It’s for their qualification and the quality of their work that we work with them.
The designs can be made in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

You never design your product better than in your own language :

Our Partners In intellectual property

Christopher A. Proskey

Christopher is an engineer, businessman and attorney. As co-chair of the intellectual Proprety practice group he use this natural curiosity, along with his education and experience, to help his clients solve complex problems, exploit buisness opportunities and minimize risk. As an engineer He’s able to understand your mostsophisticated technological advancements and the competitive landscape your business operates in. As a businessman He’s able to understand how your business operates and how the actions you take (or don’t take) impact your bottom line.

MEMBER OFFICE: 515-242-2413

FAX: 515-323-8513

EMAIL: chris.proskey@brownwinick.com

ASSISTANT: Kendra Haug – 515-242-2451

Michael Comeau

Michael role as your IP Business Partner (not just IP Attorney/Counsel) is to help you turn your intellectual property into intellectual capital. He work with all aspects of the procurement, management, and enforcement of worldwide intellectual property (IP) rights and can help your business protect its competitive advantage and generate value from its IP.
We provide world class service with Midwest value, so whether you’re looking to start an IP program or take your current program to the next level, he look forward to working with you.

PHONE: +1 (248) 593-3310

EMAIL: mcomeau@fishstewip.com

Benhamin I. Edlavitch

Ben is a USPTO registered patent attorney and dedicated intellectual property law strategist with technical backgrounds in software, electrical and computer engineering, and the life sciences.
With 25 years of experience in the IT industry (including 8+ years as a computer information systems developer and 17+ years as an intellectual property law specialist), Ben advises clients regularly on complex commercial agreements and technology licenses. This includes counseling clients on open source software issues and other complex matters that occur in computing and e-commerce. Ben also provides domestic and international patent and trademark prosecution services for clients headquartered in the United States and abroad, and assists executives, in-house counsel and other lawyers with IP disputes and litigation.

PHONE: 1.612.428.1558

EMAIL: Ben@EdlavitchLaw.com